Day 2 programme
10:00-11:00 — Organizational and legal aspects of the online learning
Olga Yuryevna Kostrikina, Head of the Legal Department, HSE University and
Anna Vladimirovna Bezukladnikova, Head of the Department of Legal Expertise and Support for Educational Activities, HSE University
10:00-11:00 — Lecture: Artificial Intelligence in Adaptive Learning
Ivan Krechetov, Head of the Laboratory of Instrumental Modeling and Training Systems
Head of the Laboratory of Instrumental Modeling and Training Systems at Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR)
Ivan Anatolyevich has been working in the field of e-learning for over 13 years, has developed and implemented a number of technologies for automating the processes of developing e-courses and supporting learning management systems. Expert in the implementation of e-learning in educational institutions. Research interests include adaptive learning technologies. Since 2010, he has been researching this topic, he is the author of methods and algorithms for the implementation of adaptive learning. Under the leadership of Krechetov I.A. at TUSUR, a system of adaptive learning was developed, which was tested in the educational process and found demand among the largest universities in the country.
The lecture is aimed at understanding the basics of the concept of adaptive learning, reveals the models that underlie the technology of adaptive learning, as well as the role of artificial intelligence methods in the tasks of building adaptive learning systems.
11:00-12:00 — The requirements of industrial corporations in the context of the digitalization of the economy for the quality of education, the ability of graduates to work in large distributed systems (teams)
Sergei Ivanov, Director of Production Systems in PJSC TGC-1
Sergei started his career as a shop engineer at a thermal power plant. Its tasks include improving the safety, reliability and efficiency of power plants in four regions of the Russian Federation.
He is the winner of the competition of young professionals and innovators, OOO "Gazprom Energy" in 2016, the winner of the second prize at the International competition of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative developments aimed at the development of fuel-energy and extractive industry for the work of "Reducing disaster risks during the start-up of operations for CCGT CHP installations using the provisioning process operations". He graduated from the program of preparation of administrative shots for the enterprises of national economy of the Russian Federation. He completed an internship at German enterprises.
Received the gratitude of the Ministry of energy of the Russian Federation for a great personal contribution to the development of the fuel and energy complex and many years of conscientious work.
11:00-12:30 — How universities use external online-courses in their programmes
Isak Froumin
Moderator, Head of the HSE Institute of Education
Participants of discussion

Altudov Yuri
Rector of KBSU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Viola Larionova
Deputy Vice-Rector, Head of the Department of Economics and Management of Construction and the Real Estate Market

Alexander Fedorov
Rector of the Baltic Federal University Immanuel Kant

Taisya Pogodaeva
acting Vice-rector of Tyumen State University, candidate of economic sciences

Bezuevskaya Valeria
Vice-Rector for Development, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of SURSU

Dinara Tursunalieva
Vice-rector for educational and methodological work, candidate of economic sciences, KEU them. M. Ryskulbekova

Oksana Mezentseva
acting vice-rector for academic affairs, North Caucasus Federal University

Elena Stepanova
acting ractor, Yaroslavl State Technical University

Voctoria Golkina
Vice-rector for educational activities Yaroslavl State Technical University
12:00-13:00 — Educational Measurement We Need for Evidence-Based EdTech
Dmitry Abbakumov, PhD in Psychometrics and Methodology of Educational Sciences from KU Leuven, head of Center for computational educational sciences of HSE University, author of papers on educational measurement in online learning published in Behavior Research Methods, Applied Measurement in Education, Psychologica Belgica
There is increasing popularity of comparative studies and A/B tests in EdTech. Such studies aim to seek the optimal educational experience (e.g., content, interaction, activity, environment) for boosting learning performance. Working on his doctoral study, Dmitry found that many various comparative studies and A/B tests in EdTech have similar problems in the quality of indicators and validity of results. These problems (may) lead to biased conclusions and wrong actions. The lecture aims to discuss pedagogical measurement problems in EdTech and draw solutions both on systematic and individual case levels.
13:00-14:30 — Sociology of online learning
Zakharova Ulyana, PhD, research fellow, Center of sociology of higher education, Institute of education, NRU HSE
Research interests: online learning, massive open online courses, teaching in higher education, management in higher education
13:00-14:30 — Impact of digital transformation on higher education: current trends
Anna Garmonova, director of the Center for university partnership, associate professor at the Institute of education, HSE
Research interests: masters education in Russia
14:00-16:00 — Data and analytics
Dmitriy Abbakumov, PhD in Psychometrics and Methodology of Educational Sciences from KU Leuven, head of Center for computational educational sciences of HSE, author of papers on educational measurement in online learning published in Behavior Research Methods, Applied Measurement in Education, Psychologica Belgica
Research interests: psychometrics, data science, EdTech
14:00-15:30 — Personalized educational trajectories: using big data for adaptive systems
Krechetov Ivan, head of laboratory of instrumental systems of modeling and training at Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics (TUSUR)
Over 13 years has been working in the field of e-learning, developed and implemented a number of technologies to automate the development of e-learning courses and maintenance of learning management systems. An expert in the deployment of e-learning in educational organizations. His scientific interests include technologies of adaptive learning. Since 2010 he is engaged in research of this theme, is the author of methods and algorithms of implementation of adaptive learning. Under the guidance of I.A. Krechetov, a system of adaptive learning was developed in TUSUR, which was tested in the educational process and became in demand among the biggest universities in the country.
15:00-17:00 — Research of online learning in terms of philosophy and subject scientific areas
Elena Bryzgalina, head of the Department of education philosophy, faculty of philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Honorary worker of education of the Russian Federation. Expert in philosophy of education and philosophy of science, author of more than 100 scientific works. Member of the Commission on Bioethics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University a member of the local ethical committee of the Medical Research and Education Center of Moscow State University, Member of the Bioethics Committee of the Sirius University of Science and Technology. Head of the working group on the development of the conceptual framework of bioethical support for the creation of a biomaterial collection in the framework of the project Scientific basis for the creation of a national depository bank of living systems (2015-2018). Member of the working group of expert development of the draft concept of "Active longevity in the Russian Federation" (2017-2019). Member of the Expert Council on Education at the State Duma Committee on Education and Science. Author of the program "Transformers" on the radio station "Echo of Moscow". Written by an expert blog on the National Technology Initiative 20-35. Laureate of the Shuvalov Prize (2003), laureate of the Lomonosov Prize for pedagogical activity (2016). Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation (2019)
15:00-16:30 — Economy of online-learning
Elena Pokatovich, deputy dean for academic affairs, assistant professor, HSE
16:00-17:30 — Blended learning and new formats of educational programs
Andreeva Natalia, head of Center of blended learning
15:00-17:00 — Research of online learning market and developing portfolio of educational online-products
Voloshchuk Pavel, associate professor, head of laboratory for design thinking, HSE graduate School of Business
17:00-18:30 — Digital Humanities
Anastasiya A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya, associate professor. Programme scientific supervisor of Political linguistics programme, programme academic supervisor of Computational Linguistics, HSE
17:00-18:30 — Influence of new technologies on traditional education
Evgeniya Kulik, Director for Elearning, HSE University
17:00-18:30 — Lessons from quarantine: student wellness, faculty resilience, and the future of higher education
William Kuskin
Faculty Director
Gloria Flores
President, Pluralistic Network
Cory Pavicich
Academic Director
Christopher Haynes
Director of Learning Experience Design, University of Colorado Boulder
18:30-19:00 — Cocktail party via Zoom
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