Tatyana Kozlova
Tatyana Kozlova
Deputy Director, Center of Distance Learning, Moscow Technological University
After finishing MESI in 2004 Tatyana worked in the field of online education: firstly in the College of MESI, then in the Centre of projecting content (CPC). Tatyana Kozlova gave lectures for students of 3-4 yearI “Estimation of cost”, “Property value”, “Financial management”. Organized blended learning: it was necessary not only to train teachers, to prepare e-materials and assignments, but also to adapt teaching materials to the online format completely for self-study.
This task was undertaken by creating a content development team. Up to 2015, about 100 e-learning courses were created in SCORM format (using CourseLab). For the rest of the disciplines, teachers gave many of their e-materials and accompanied students during the academic semester. After joining MESI to the REU G.V. Plekhanova was invited to the Moscow Technological University (MIREA) to organize the same e-learning process.